Wills & Trusts
Estate Planning involves planning to ensure you and your loved ones are taken care of in the event of disability or death. Planning often includes the preparation of Wills, Trusts, Financial Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills.
At Southpoint Estate Planning we serve as your guide to making these many important decisions, while working with you to put together a plan that best meets your goals.
A comprehensive estate plan may include:
Planning to avoid probate.
Planning for the care of minor children.
Ensuring your property passes at death to the people you want. Many people assume that their property will automatically pass to their spouse, but this is not always the case. Without a Will or Trust in place, the state decides who gets your property at death.
Planning to minimize estate and gift taxes and capital gains taxes.
Appointing trusted individuals to help manage your property or make health care decisions for you if you become incapacitated.
Documenting your wishes for end of life treatment.
Planning for long-term care, such as in-home care, assisted living, or nursing home care.
Planning for individuals with special needs.
Ensuring the proper management of assets passing to younger generations, by minimizing exposure to lawsuits and creditors